It's been a year!

It's funny how suddenly everybody sinks into reflection when the end of the year nears. Was it a good year or a bad one, difficult, exciting, challenging? No matter what it was, it was a full year and quite frankly we all got just what we deserved. Because in the end it is what you make out of it that counts. Everyone gets the same amount of time at the beginning of the year (ok the Samoans had a day less) but the results are not quite the same. Some may even say you got what you expected, so be careful what you expect for next year?

And my year? Well it has been a wonderful year, full of love. What else can I say about the year I got married. The rest doesn't really matter my year consisted of 365 times the 4th of march, the day where in a beautiful surrounding we said yes to each other.

All the rest, wins and defeats, is anyway a part of the past. What comes is 2012 and I'm looking forward to it, lots of new things are ahead and there will be a lot talk about in 365 days when again everyone looks back on what occurred. Any good intentions for 2012? No, I just try to make the best out of it!

Thanks Osvaldo for a wonderful year, being at my side! May there be a thousand more, I love U!
